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Picbasic Pro Serial Example

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by thoughbestlendia1971 2020. 2. 26. 13:02



.Hello, thank you for visiting the picbasic users forum. Just a little note to remind you that, if your have registeted for a user account and you have not logged in and posted a message, unused accounts are deleted from time to time.We track user account usage. As part of our general maintenaince and to meet the GDPR requirments, we have elected to delete user accounts that are unused.We define unused as:NOT haveing ever posted a message on the forumANDNOT having logged in for more than 360 days.If you find that your account is deleted, because of inactivity, you will need to contact the forum administrator to have the account re-instated.

::Programming CluesHardware CluesPBP examples written for PIC12F683 and 16F688 running on the LAB-X4The LAB-X4 will support both 8-pin and 14-pin devices. The 12F683 and 16F688 are 8 and 14-pin varieties fromthe same family. These examples are written for the 12F683, but, with some consultation of the Microchip datasheet,can be adapted to the 16F688.PICBASIC PRO program to display result of 10-bit A/D conversion on LCD.PICBASIC PRO program to display result of 8-bit A/D conversion on LCD.PICBASIC PRO program to blink an LED connected to GPIO.0 about once a second.PICBASIC PRO program for LAB-X4 serial LCD controller. Note: Set MCLROFF in config.PICBASIC PRO program to show button press on LED. Note: Disable MCLR in config so button can be used.PICBASIC PRO program for an LCD clock using On Interrupt.

Picbasic forum

Uses TMR0 and prescaler. Watchdog Timer should be set to off at program time and Nap and Sleep should not be used. Button may be used to set time.

Picbasic Pro Serial Example Key

Turn off Watchdog Timer and disable reset so button can be used to set clock.PICBASIC PRO program to send 'Hello World' on serial port (and LCD).PICBASIC PRO program to read and write to I2C SEEPROMs. Writes to the first 16 locations of an external serial EEPROM. Reads first 16 locations back and send to LCD repeatedly.

Picbasic Pro Serial Example 1

Note: for SEEPROMs with byte-sized address.PICBASIC PRO program to display 'Hello World' on LCD (and serial port).PICBASIC PRO Test program for LAB-X4. Note: Disable MCLR reset so button can be used.PICBASIC PRO program for upper case serial filter.PICBASIC PRO program to measure voltage (0-5VDC) and display on LCD with 2 decimal places.

Picbasic pro forum

This program uses the./ operator to scale the ADC result from 0-1023 to 0-500. The./ performs a divide by 256 automatically, allowing math which would normally exceed the limit of a word variable. Connect analog input to channel-3 (RA4).Copyright 2019ME Labs, Inc.PO Box 8250Asheville NC 28814(719) 520-5323(719) 520-1867 faxemail.